Telefon: +381 63 878.52.44 ponedeljkom od 17 do 20 h aplikacije: viber i whatsapp
e-mail: Facebook page Konsultacije za Lezbejke
twitter @LezzSOS
SOS konsultacije za lezbejke otvorene su za
sve lezbejke, žene koje vole žene, biseksualke, queerice, gay devojke, trans
lezbejke i članice njihovih porodica, prijateljice i prijatelje.
SOS konsultacije za lezbejke obezbedjuju:
anonimnost, potpunu poverljivost, puno toplih reči i razumevanje konsultantkinje koja je i sama lezbejka,
podršku za životna iskustva i različita emotivna stanja kao i informacije o
službama koje vam mogu biti potrebne.
Telefon: +381 63 878.52.44
ponedeljkom od 17 do 20 h
aplikacije: viber i whatsapp
Facebook page Konsultacije za Lezbejke
twitter SOS konsultacije za lezbejke otvorene su za sve lezbejke, žene koje vole žene, biseksualke, queerice, gay devojke, trans lezbejke i članice njihovih porodica, prijateljice i prijatelje.
Lezbejska solidarnost znači da nam je svaka
lezbejka važna, znači da svaki poziv smatramo velikom odlukom da se pomogne
sebi. Najvažniji rad u životu je rad za
sopstveni rast, kao i da se osećamo
Sa nama možete razgovarati o više tema: problemi
sa roditeljima, na poslu ili u porodici zbog lezbejskog života, dileme u vezi
sa ljubavnim životom, uznemiravanjem u partnerskom odnosu, dileme oko
višestruke diskriminacije Romkinja koje vole žene, žena sa invaliditetom koje
vole žene, žena koje vole žene različitih nacionalnosti, starosti, težine,
emotivnih i mentalnih karakteristika, pitanja emotivnih ili pravnih aspekata
diskriminacije i homofobije, problemi nasilja na ulici zbog različitog izgleda
ili iskustva dobacivanja, vredjanja, uznemiravanja, situacije seksualnog
nasilja, nasilja u porodici sada ili od pre.
Zadržavamo mogućnost da uklonimo postove koji
su diskriminatorni.
The Team for Lesbian
Counselling& Education is a collective of four lesbian feminist counsellors
who care about lesbian emotional well-being through individual counselling, workshop
of experience and various types of group work.
We four have
gathered in 2012 and decided that it is a good time to use our counselling
knowledge from many years of work with
women traumatised by male violence - to organise emotional support for
lesbians, queer girls, bisexual and trans women. We became an autonomous group inside Women's Peace Group organisation in Belgrade. We now
share our emotional literacy skills with lesbians queer community.
four come from feminist movement and we base our work and interpretation of
society through feminist principles, some of them are:
IS POLITICAL– meaning that we believe that patriarchal hierarchies are
constructing the society. In everyday
life this implies that our emotions of fear, pain, guilt, shame… and others,
can be understood as mechanisms of adaptation to the cruel forms of discriminations
in the world
IN SOLIDARITY -- meaning that we can decide
to hear the other woman the way she hears herself, therefore she is not alone
and we are not alone; we are the witnesses of the pain of the other; we care about lesbians and women in the world
WOMEN’S EXPERIENCE– meaning that we can decide to believe women’s life stories
unconditionally, and use the principle of confidentiality to build the relation
of trust between us and the other
OF DIFFERENCE – meaning that we understand that patriarchal society divides
people through gender, sexual orientation but also through race, class,
body-ability. One way to overcome the
discrimination is to know experience different then ours and to include them in
our lives, the other ways are to organise protests and demand justice, in many different
ways. We believe it is our responsibility to advocate for human rights of all.
Few themes most
often talked about
v dilemmas
in love life and pain of separation
v emotional
consequences of sexual violence and violence in family from childhood
v emotional
consequences of lesbophobia, racism, homophobia, nationalism, xenophobia and fascism
of any form
v experience
of separation from the hetero-marriage while in love relationship with a woman
v problems
on work and street harassmentcaused by different clothing style
Few facts about who
reaches us
girls from 17- 28 via email
aged women from small towns and rural areas by email and phone
Few things we
learned from lesbians and queer girls community
v That you
contacted us most often when your lover has left you, and that it was so
difficult that some considered suicide
v That you
liked most of all emotional titles on our Blog, for example “let your heart
v That
lesbians in couples very often do things togetherv That
lesbians who are in multiple ways discriminated, for example have issues with walking,
or are immigrants, or from Roma settlements, they feel lack of support from
the community
v That you love
all night parties
v That you desire
to come out and dream society of freedom
Few sentences we said most often
v You
have done the best you could in given circumstances
v She
has done the best she could in given circumstances
v We
exercise observing our emotions, and accepting them – that’s who we are
v Our
emotional expectation is our responsibility
v Unconditional
friendship with ourselves is a seed of our happiness
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